1. Mint a Battledog.

Battledog NFTs

First, you need to mint a combat NFT to participate and engage other players. The cost to mint an NFT is $2 give or take as the mint fee is in eth native, which is a relatively stable price for all players to mint their battledogs equally.

After purchasing your battledog NFT, you needn't pay in eth anymore but purchase more ARB tokens as that is the only token that will be burnt for every action you take in the game.

This is a little green soldier of fortune on the right menu option of the dapp.

You can't miss it!

(A little note, minting on any blockchain incurs a little fee we call GAS. Arbitrum is quite inexpensive, so the additional gas fee for minting shouldn't give you any concern.)

This a prerequisite to play. You need to have enough eth on the blockchain to cover these fees else your transaction will fail.

Last updated